Teaching Philosophy
Ultimately, I aim to cultivate “flow states” in all of my students through music. Flow means being completely absorbed in the challenges of a worthwhile undertaking. I believe that experiencing flow states is an essential part of happiness. How we experience flow, whether it be through music, or what kind of music, is up to us. Click here to read more about flow.
Another important goal is independent learning. Drawing from the Discovery Learning method, I often teach through questions instead of directly giving information. For example, when focusing on technique, I might say, “play this passage with raised wrists, then play with your wrists low. How does it feel different? How is the sound different?” Instead of directly correcting a mistake, I might say, “can you find the wrong note in that measure?”
Discovery Learning encourages students to take ownership of their learning. Since piano students typically only meet with their teachers once a week, it is crucial for them to observe their playing and figure out how to improve it on their own. Self-directed, self-reliant learning is an essential life skill.
For more more detailed information about jazz lessons please click here.
For more more detailed information about classical lessons please click here.